Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Post about a job (Maybe temporal low effort title)

Pharmacy has a big labor field, with many different jobs. You can work in a drug store, a hospital, a clinic, a lab, with the police and even doing research (the last one isn't very reliable in the country). I'm not sure which one I'll be taking in the future, but definitively not the first one, unless it's very necessary, I think that it’ll be boring. 
I want a job where I can do things, with my bare hands, not an office work. Working in a lab is an option, running tests and stuff like that. I think that it'll be fun. Another option could be working in a hospital or clinic, helping and orientating people. I think that it may not be as fun as working in a lab, but it’ll be more satisfying. Anyway I have many years until I'll get to work as a pharmacist, so I have time to choose. Despite the work, I wouldn't like one where you have to travel to work, since you can be with your family and also, travel for work? No thanks, I like to travel to know places in my vacations, not to get stressed and miss the entire local attractive. 

According to what I've listened, a pharmacist wins $1.000.000 CLP average, and that salary can be increased due to the years you have working in a place, your position, and other things. I think it's a good salary.

When I graduate, maybe I'll study a major. I don't know the area yet, but I think that it has to be something according to what you want to do in your life. Maybe in some years, when I'm next to graduate from pharmacy, I'll have a better view about a major.

Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Those things we do in freetime.

Hobbies are basically activities that we like to do when we have free time, maybe to distress, to keep your mind away from your day to day, at least that is what hobbies mean to me.

I don’t do a lot of things out of the University since I don’t have too much free time, but there’s always time to play video games.

Resultado de imagen para playstation 1 pngI started playing videogames when I was a kid, maybe in 1st or 2nd grade, when my mom gave me a PlayStation. It was the best gift ever. I had a lot of games, since they were cheap (obviously they were not original games, did anyone had original games for the PlayStation?). I enjoyed playing games like Gran Turismo, DanceDanceRevolution, Harry Potter and Crash Bandicoot, among others. Actually I play games in my PlayStation 3, mostly with my brother, and in my PC.

Resultado de imagen para supernatural 13As there’s always time to play video games, there’s also time to watch TV series. I don’t see a lot of TV, so it’s mostly in Netflix or some internet page. I don’t see a lot of series at the same time, I don’t like it. I prefer to watch one or two at a time. Actually I’m watching Grey’s Anatomy and waiting the thirteenth season of Supernatural. I don’t know since when I have this hobby, because when I was a kid I loved to watch anime in the ETC channel (I still watch it sometimes), but I don’t know since when.

I don’t know how much important are they for me, since I just play videogames or watch TV series when I don’t have to do anything or I’m not in the mood to do anything, maybe it’s important because it helps me to clear my mind.

Among all the things that I could do, I would definitively never be a collector. I think that I’m a little obsessive and that I wouldn’t enjoy those hobbies.

I don’t know what hobbies I will have in the future, but I know that they will be cool (and definitively not collecting related).

Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Our biological detoxifier

Our human body is a very complex perfect machine (when healthy) that keeps everything balanced, and when something happens, finds the easiest way to fix it. It has many organs that work together in systems to keep things the way they’re supposed to be. But maybe one of the most important (among the Heart and the Brain) is the liver.

The liver is located in the abdomen. It’s part of the gastrointestinal system. It’s like a deformed triangle, and on average, is 26 cm width and 15 cm height. It does a lot of important things, it basically keeps you alive.
One of the very important functions liver has is that it produces bile. The bile is a bright yellow-green liquid that goes into the small intestines and help digest food. Another is that it metabolizes toxins (like alcohol or waste from the body) so thanks to it we don’t die intoxicated. The liver also stores vitamins, minerals and glycogen and releases them if we are in need.

There are many other things that liver does, and there’s no way to compensate the absence of this organ in the long term, so the tranplantation is the only option for complete liver failure . Also there’re many liver diseases, like Cirrhosis. This damages the structure of the liver and makes it not work properly. Also you can get liver cancer. It’s very common to have metastatic cancer there, because the liver “cleans” the blood, so the carcinogenic cells can reach there easily.

You can keep you liver healthy by don’t over-ingesting toxins (like alcohol) and eating properly when you have to, because maybe it will not cause an instantaneous disease, but maybe in some years, it will payback.

Wednesday, September 6, 2017

和: A Spirit of Unity

My mom works in a tourism agency, and thanks to that I've traveled a lot. Maybe my best holiday was in July 2015. I'm a scout, and each 4 years, we have like a global camp, called Jamboree where scouts from all the world meet in a certain place. That year was in Kirara-hama, Yamaguchi, Japan. But we arrived Japan some days earlier to know the place.

We went to Tokyo, Kyoto, Osaka, Ube and while we were at the jamboree we visited Hiroshima. The travel lasted 2-3 weeks. We were divided in patrols of ten plus our leader, so we were eleven. We did a lot of things. Visiting the cities, we went to most known places and temples (we didn't had much time) like the Shibuya Crossing, Tokyo Tower, and other places that I don't remember right now.

In the Jamboree, each day we had a different theme. We learned about scientific advances and about caring about our camp place. One day we went to the Peace museum in Hiroshima(very shocking place). We had a water games day, a day to know the other cultures (we had to make a display about our country, so we did some Sopaipillas with Pebre to give to the people from other countries and we danced El Costillar es mio. We even went to a primary school where the kids received us and make an act. They had an Orchestra group and played some wonderful songs (it's no joke that japanese can do everything better) and we visited a cave which name I can't recall, but it was beautiful. There were also 2 concerts, one at the beginning and the other at the end of the Jamboree. The first time there was a group called Dadadadan Tenko and a boring singer after, and the second was a famous japenese singer.

It think it has been my best holidays because we get to know many people from other countries and it was fun, for exaple that time while we were traveling in a highspeed train, we got to know a polish named Paveł and talked about how was his country or while we were walking to a ceremony, we enjoyed singing with some omani people. The only bad thing about the trip, is the time we spend on air. It was horrible.