Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Post about a job (Maybe temporal low effort title)

Pharmacy has a big labor field, with many different jobs. You can work in a drug store, a hospital, a clinic, a lab, with the police and even doing research (the last one isn't very reliable in the country). I'm not sure which one I'll be taking in the future, but definitively not the first one, unless it's very necessary, I think that it’ll be boring. 
I want a job where I can do things, with my bare hands, not an office work. Working in a lab is an option, running tests and stuff like that. I think that it'll be fun. Another option could be working in a hospital or clinic, helping and orientating people. I think that it may not be as fun as working in a lab, but it’ll be more satisfying. Anyway I have many years until I'll get to work as a pharmacist, so I have time to choose. Despite the work, I wouldn't like one where you have to travel to work, since you can be with your family and also, travel for work? No thanks, I like to travel to know places in my vacations, not to get stressed and miss the entire local attractive. 

According to what I've listened, a pharmacist wins $1.000.000 CLP average, and that salary can be increased due to the years you have working in a place, your position, and other things. I think it's a good salary.

When I graduate, maybe I'll study a major. I don't know the area yet, but I think that it has to be something according to what you want to do in your life. Maybe in some years, when I'm next to graduate from pharmacy, I'll have a better view about a major.


  1. You've to have a lot of studies to work into clinical pharmacy, so you can understand the different pharmacological interactions between a lot of different medicaments inside the human body. Good luck in the fields of justice, summoner. May the force be with you

  2. working in the drugstore is definitely the worst job that offers the career ( so boring, and monotony)

  3. I'm agree, stay in an office could be horrible,I wouldn't like that. Clinical Pharmacy is fun at least to my point of view
