Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Our biological detoxifier

Our human body is a very complex perfect machine (when healthy) that keeps everything balanced, and when something happens, finds the easiest way to fix it. It has many organs that work together in systems to keep things the way they’re supposed to be. But maybe one of the most important (among the Heart and the Brain) is the liver.

The liver is located in the abdomen. It’s part of the gastrointestinal system. It’s like a deformed triangle, and on average, is 26 cm width and 15 cm height. It does a lot of important things, it basically keeps you alive.
One of the very important functions liver has is that it produces bile. The bile is a bright yellow-green liquid that goes into the small intestines and help digest food. Another is that it metabolizes toxins (like alcohol or waste from the body) so thanks to it we don’t die intoxicated. The liver also stores vitamins, minerals and glycogen and releases them if we are in need.

There are many other things that liver does, and there’s no way to compensate the absence of this organ in the long term, so the tranplantation is the only option for complete liver failure . Also there’re many liver diseases, like Cirrhosis. This damages the structure of the liver and makes it not work properly. Also you can get liver cancer. It’s very common to have metastatic cancer there, because the liver “cleans” the blood, so the carcinogenic cells can reach there easily.

You can keep you liver healthy by don’t over-ingesting toxins (like alcohol) and eating properly when you have to, because maybe it will not cause an instantaneous disease, but maybe in some years, it will payback.